Tell your story in your own words. Write straight from the heart — or try our interview format. Our questions help you get started.
How you decide tell it is up to you. Chronologically or with no logic at all. By yourself or with the help of someone you trust. However you decide to write it, our suggestion is to work in segments. Rather than trying to capture everything at once, make notes and come back regularly. Then you can add to or edit what you’ve left.

Fill In Your Essentials
Enter your basic data: your name, birthplace, life’s work or passions and a short introduction. These ground you, making it easier to start your story.

Add Photos and Videos
Pictures, still or moving, take readers back with you, providing context. Remember, you can share your story anytime or keep it private as long as you want.

Write First, Edit Later
Every life is fascinating, but summarizing your own can be a challenge. Begin in small pieces and return here regularly. (Tip: It’s never complete.)