Write a personal note. Tell those who've meant the most to you how you feel. Private Messages lets you send letters to friends and loved ones when you are gone.
A loving spouse, treasured family member, lifelong friend. What do you want to tell them, just between the two of you? Use this helpful email service to compose and store those most intimate, important and final thoughts. Your private messages will be sent after you pass away.

Choose Your Recipients
Select those you want to send Private Messages to. You can also decide when you’d like them to read your message — even before you begin writing.

Decide What You Want to Say
Compose a first draft of thoughts. It doesn’t have to be deep or poetic, just honest. Save it. Then come back in a while to review it, before sending.

Edit, Then Submit
When you’re confident your Private Message is ready, save and submit it. Not sure? You can always come back to edit, then submit later to be sent after your passing.